Friday, October 24, 2014

Medical Terms, Post By: Cesar A. Euribe, M.D.

Medical Terminology
There are several terms that we use in medical practice that may not be very clear for everybody.  Here are some common terms that I have patients ask about frequently.  

-Palliative Care: refers to the type of interventions provided to patients in order to alleviate their symptoms. It usually does little to the disease process but it takes care of specific symptoms. This type of care applies well to patients with cancer. The disease process is managed by the oncologist but the side effects of medications, tumor invasions, radiation treatment, etc, produce many symptoms that require expert attention.

-Pain Management: is the most frequent palliative care intervention. It treats the pain that comes with many disease processes.

-Symptom management: is taking a cough suppressant to reduce coughing spells, it does not cure the cold but reduces the symptoms.

Pain management specialists treat the symptom of PAIN. We use medications, interventions and alternative therapies to achieve relief.

 So this terminology is frequently exchanged but as you can see it also has specific meanings.

Post By:  Cesar A. Euribe M.D.